• These internal dialogue are like scribblin' away and are only meant for myself, hence at times not edited and not comprehensible at all even to me. If you are curious you are welcome to roam with me freely and to comment on anything as you like.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Ariunaa - Taliin mongol ail (Mongolian family in the steppe)


singinghawk said...

This is beautiful...the song, the language, the woman, her voice, the scenes...just lovely. Thank you for sharing, Timothy. It is a beautiful celebration for a beautiful people and country. And it is very good to see what has touched your heart -- your love...Mongolia. It indeed must be a lovely place...Montana is stunning!

Rob said...

words, just cant do it, very nice drips of paint.i love this.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful song.

drips of paint said...

thanks for checking out the video...they are beautiful, arnt't they..
one day I must go to check out Montana
weclome rob....

beautiful song takes me into dreams

N@nc! said...

sure in the original language is much better because u captive the real feeling ;)

drips of paint said...

Hi soul

I thought so too...

but good to verify with you...thanks

S. Camille said...

I too have been to Montana and found it a wonderful experience. I enjoyed the video and your passions for Mongolia. As I was watching I tried to open my heart and feel the expanse of that land. Good exercise.

drips of paint said...

//As I was watching I tried to open my heart and feel the expanse of that land. Good exercise.//

You are special....good exercise & what more can life be.....

thanks camille

Rob said...

Its her voice, it sings straight to my heart, beyond language or thoughts..

drips of paint said...

Absolutely rob..it was her voice for me too and infact a lot of the Mongolian song require that type of haunting piercing tone....Interesting that most regular Mongolian can sing very well.

//beyond language or thoughts.. //

Rob said...

I just came back from looking at your paintings, all i can say is , that i am going to spend the rest of the night looking at them.

drips of paint said...

opps..I hope today you do not have to work..

Princess Banter said...

Awwwww -- I've always wanted to go to Mongolia!!!

drips of paint said...


Awwwwwww...that is how I feel too

N@nc! said...

ohhhhhhh so sweet ur comment in my blog thank you :) [][][][]

drips of paint said...

Hi soul....

ohhh...I felt your peotry :)!!!